DIY Tips for Efficient Heating and Furnace Maintenance

Gustafson Heating & Air Conditioning understands the desire of every homeowner to maximize their heating systems’ efficiency. Therefore, we offer top-notch services, as well as helpful advice on enhancing your heater and furnace’s performance. Here are some practical DIY tips to help you improve your heating system’s efficiency.

Regular Inspection and Cleaning

Clogging of the filters, ducts, and pipes of your heating systems can significantly reduce its efficiency. Regular inspection and cleaning are paramount to maintain the condition and performance of your heating system. Not only can you improve the system’s efficiency by performing regular check-ups, but you can also spot potential problems and solve them before escalating into costly repairs.

Thermostat Management

Another way to significantly improve your heating system’s function is by properly managing your thermostat settings. Keeping your thermostat at a constant temperature can reduce unnecessary strain on your heating system. Also, readjusting your thermostat to lower temperature when you’re not home can save a significant amount of energy.

Seal Drafts

A drafty house might be the cause why your heating system is working harder than it should be. Sealing off those drafts can help maintain the temperature in your home, increasing your heating system’s efficiency. You might need the help of a professional for correct identification and sealing of drafts. However, some simple drafts can be handled via DIY solutions.

Utilize Your Curtains

Interestingly, curtains do more than giving privacy. They can contribute to your home’s thermal insulation if used strategically. During sunshine hours, open your curtains and let the sunlight naturally heat your home. Come nighttime, close your curtains to keep the warmth in. This smart use of curtains acts as natural heating, reducing the strain on your heating system.

Annual Servicing

Even if you have followed all the tips shared above, it’s always a good idea to get your heating system serviced annually. Especially as seasons change, it’s wise to have a professional tune-up to ensure your heating system operates optimally. Gustafson Heating & Air Conditioning offers comprehensive heating services to ensure your heater or furnace works at its best when you need it the most.

Performing daily checks and applying these DIY tips can help maintain your heating system, ensuring its efficiency and longevity. However, always remember that when repairs or check-ups get too complicated, do not hesitate to call for professional help. Gustafson Heating & Air Conditioning is always available to serve you!