Effective DIY Tips for Maintaining Your HVAC System

In a place like Beaverton, OR where we experience constant weather changes, our HVAC systems are an essential part of our comfort. A smooth-running system ensures optimal comfort levels, while also help in keeping energy bills low. While hiring a reliable service like [Bruton Comfort Control](https://www.brutoncomfortcontrol.com/) is suggested for most HVAC repair and maintenance work, there are certain simple tasks you can undertake at home to increase your system’s efficiency. Here are some useful tips to follow:

1. Change the air filters: Regular change of air filters (approximately every 1-3 months) can enhance your system’s efficiency. It’s an easy, yet often overlooked, task that you can handle off. To replace the filter, locate it in your HVAC unit, slide it out, check for damage or dust build-up, and replace if necessary.

2. Clear the surroundings: Keep the area around your HVAC unit clean. Any form of debris like leaves, grass, or branches should be cleared. This is very important since they can block the vents and cause the system to overwork.

3. Check for leaks: Regularly inspect for refrigerant leaks. If you notice your system constantly running or not cooling efficiently, you may have a leak. Make sure to call a professional in case of any leakage, as it needs to be handled carefully.

4. Regular Maintenance: While these simple tasks are essential, it’s also necessary to schedule a professional maintenance once or twice a year. A professional technician will inspect all parts of your system and do a thorough cleaning. They will also check the refrigerant levels and ensure the system is running smoothly.

Remember, maintaining your HVAC system’s health not only extends its longevity but also saves you money on untimely repairs and high energy bills. While DIY steps are certainly a great way to ensure your system’s efficiency, it’s best to rely on professionals for more detailed work.

In Beaverton, you can entrust your HVAC system health to the experts at Bruton Comfort Control. They offer various HVAC services including heating and cooling repairs, maintenance work, system installation, and even offer free estimates. Their team of experts is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and knowledge to ensure your system is running as effectively as possible.

While these DIY steps are important, sometimes the best answer is to turn to the pros. The professionals at Bruton Comfort Control are always ready to offer a range of HVAC services to ensure your comfort at home. You can always trust their expertise to bring you comfort throughout the year.