A Day in the Life: Climbing Ladders and Solving Problems at DJ Hall Roofing & Siding LLC

Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Roof

As the sun peeks over the horizon, I’m already up and at ’em. Working for DJ Hall Roofing & Siding LLC means early mornings and a packed schedule. Today, we’re heading to Torrington, CT for a roof inspection, followed by a repair job in Harwinton, CT.

7:00 AM: Team Huddle

We gather at the office for our daily briefing. Our project manager goes over the day’s assignments and safety reminders. Safety is always our top priority, especially when we’re working at heights.

8:30 AM: Roof Inspection in Torrington

Our first stop is a residential property in Torrington. The homeowner reported some water stains on their ceiling, so we’re here to investigate. After setting up our ladders and safety gear, we carefully inspect the roof, looking for:

  • Missing or damaged shingles
  • Flashing issues
  • Signs of water damage
  • Potential weak spots

We document our findings and discuss the necessary repairs with the homeowner.

11:00 AM: Lunch on the Go

No fancy lunch breaks in this line of work! We grab a quick bite from a local deli before heading to our next job.

12:30 PM: Roof Repair in Harwinton

Our afternoon takes us to Harwinton, where we’re tackling a roof repair job. The homeowner experienced some storm damage, and we’re here to make it right. We get to work:

  1. Removing damaged shingles
  2. Inspecting and repairing the underlying structure
  3. Installing new shingles
  4. Ensuring proper drainage

It’s hard work, but there’s something satisfying about knowing we’re protecting someone’s home from the elements.

4:30 PM: Wrap-up and Planning

As we finish up in Harwinton, we clean the site and go over the completed work with the homeowner. Back at the office, we debrief on the day’s jobs and plan for tomorrow’s adventures.

Working for DJ Hall Roofing & Siding LLC is more than just a job – it’s about problem-solving, teamwork, and making a tangible difference in our community, one roof at a time.