A Chilly Morning to Cozy Evening: My Day as a NOCO HVAC Technician

6:00 AM – Rise and Shine

The alarm blares, and I reluctantly crawl out of bed. It’s another frigid morning in Buffalo, NY, but as a NOCO HVAC technician, I know my day will be filled with warming up homes and businesses across the region.

7:30 AM – First Call of the Day

After a quick breakfast and commute, I arrive at my first appointment in Tonawanda. The homeowner’s furnace isn’t working, and with temperatures barely above freezing, it’s crucial to get it running again. I diagnose the issue, replace a faulty ignitor, and soon have warm air flowing through the vents.

10:00 AM – Propane Delivery in Lockport

My next stop takes me to Lockport, where I’m tasked with refilling a customer’s propane tank. NOCO’s propane storage facilities ensure we always have a steady supply for our clients. I carefully connect the hoses and monitor the fill, making sure everything is safe and up to code.

12:30 PM – Lunch Break

I grab a quick sandwich at a local deli, using the time to check my schedule for the afternoon and respond to any urgent messages from dispatch.

1:30 PM – AC Maintenance in Buffalo

Back in Buffalo, I perform routine maintenance on a commercial air conditioning system. Though it’s cold now, it’s essential to keep these units in top shape for the sweltering summer months that will inevitably arrive.

4:00 PM – Emergency Call

Just as I’m wrapping up, I get an urgent call about a malfunctioning heating system at an elderly couple’s home. I rush over, quickly identifying and fixing a blocked vent that was causing the issue. The grateful smiles on their faces remind me why I love this job.

6:30 PM – Heading Home

As the sun sets, I make my way back to the NOCO office to file my reports and prep for tomorrow. It’s been a long day, but knowing I’ve helped keep my community warm and comfortable makes it all worthwhile.

8:00 PM – Family Time and Rest

Finally home, I enjoy dinner with my family and relax, ready to do it all again tomorrow. Working for NOCO may be challenging at times, but it’s incredibly rewarding to play such an essential role in keeping our corner of New York comfortable and safe.