Understanding the Importance of Regular Air Filter Replacement

Why Clean Air Filters Matter

When it comes to maintaining your home’s HVAC system, one of the most crucial yet often overlooked tasks is replacing your air filters regularly. At Belyea Brothers, we can’t stress enough how this simple act can significantly impact your air conditioner’s performance and your home’s air quality.

Benefits of Clean Air Filters:

  • Improved air quality
  • Enhanced system efficiency
  • Lower energy bills
  • Extended equipment lifespan

The Technical Side of Air Filters

Air filters are designed to trap particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander. As these contaminants accumulate, the filter becomes clogged, restricting airflow. This forces your AC system to work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and potential system strain.

Types of Air Filters

There are several types of air filters available, each with its own Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating:

1. Fiberglass filters (MERV 1-4)
2. Pleated filters (MERV 5-13)
3. High-efficiency filters (MERV 14-16)
4. HEPA filters (MERV 17-20)

Higher MERV ratings indicate better filtration but may also restrict airflow more. It’s essential to choose the right balance for your system.

Replacement Frequency

The frequency of filter replacement depends on various factors, including:

– Filter type
– Home size
– Number of occupants
– Presence of pets
– Local air quality

As a general rule, we recommend checking your filter monthly and replacing it at least every 90 days.

Regular air filter replacement is a simple yet effective way to maintain your AC system’s health. For professional AC service in Toronto, ON, trust the experts at Belyea Brothers Heating, Cooling & Electrical to keep your system running smoothly year-round.